Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM (An Actionable Guide to Implementing the PLC Process and Effective Teaching Methods)
Learning by Doing [Fourth Edition]: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work® (A practical guide for implementing the PLC process and transforming schools)
Concise Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Learning Communities at Work(TM) (Stronger Relationships for Better Education Leadership)
Formative Tools for Leaders in a PLC at Work®: Assessing, Analyzing, and Acting to Support Collaborative Teams (Implement Effective Professional Learning Communities in Schools and Measure Progress)
The Way Forward: PLC at Work® and the Bright Future of Education (Tips and tools to address the past, present, and future challenges in education through PLC at Work®)
Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide: From Boardroom to Classroom (A leadership guide for teams districtwide to collaborate effectively for continuous ... high levels of learning for all students)
Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability SchoolsTM: Cultures of Continuous Learning (Ensure a viable and guaranteed curriculum) (Leading Edge) (Leading Edge, 11)