Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniken, um Stress abzubauen, Negativspiralen zu unterbrechen und den Geist zu entlasten
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Stop Overthinking
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The Science of Being Lucky: How to Engineer Good Fortune, Consistently Catch Lucky Breaks, and Live a Charmed Life
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स्टॉप ओव्हरथिंकिंग Stop Overthinking | अतिविचाराच्या चक्रातून बाहेर पडण्यासाठी | (Marathi) | Nick Trenton
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The Overthinking Cure: How to Stay in the Present, Shake Negativity, and Stop Your Stress and Anxiety (Malayalam Edition)
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Stop Overthinking (Korean Edition)
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八成是你想太多:你的煩惱不是真正的煩惱,23個鬆綁焦慮、緩解壓力與享受當下的練習: Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present (Traditional Chinese Edition)
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Gândirea în exces duce la stres: 23 de tehnici ca să oprești spiralele negative, să îți eliberezi mintea și să te concentrezi asupra prezentului
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